Evan DeVore


Commercial Photography

            The basic Definition of Commercial Photography would be that Commercial photography is photographic work done for commercial purposes, such as for magazine advertising, corporate publications, brochures, restaurant menus, etc. On a basic level, commercial photography involves a client that wants to sell or promote something for which they need photographs taken. Commercial Photographs either focus on the design of a product like the sexy gloss on the back of an Iphone or it could focus on the use of the product like the amazing features of an X-Box 360. To go into a little more depth there is two types of commercial photography. There is Product commercial photography which reveals the detail and feel of a product to the customer, and there is advertising commercial photography where it is more likely to focus upon the status and attractions of the product. Commercial photography is very important especially to companies and businesses, because without it I’m sure that they wouldn’t be making nearly as many sales as they do.

Alex Bilson
1/10/2013 02:03:17 am

This is SWAGalicious


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